Green Tea vs Green Coffee Extract
By developerin Your Health
When it comes to being healthy, green seems to be a popular way to do it. Two of the most common green ingredients that people take are green tea and green coffee extract, and although they might sound the same, they differ quite a bit.
Green tea has been used for thousands of years and is known as a gentle and healthy drink. Green coffee extract is relatively new on the scene and was discovered by the mainstream in 2012, but so far has a lot of satisfied followers who believe in its benefits. Slightly different in their compounds but natural and healthy all the same, it’s no wonder people use either one or both of these in their daily lives.
One popular way that people use these ingredients is for weight loss and they’re definitely great at that, but we want to know what other health advantages they offer. We’re going to compare the green tea and green coffee extract benefits for you so you can see which one might be better for your health and medicinal needs.
The Difference Between Green Tea and Green Coffee Extract
If there’s one natural ingredient that we can all agree on loving, its caffeine. Caffeine is found in both green tea and green coffee extract but in varying amounts. However, it’s the other nutrients that are present in these things that gives them most of their health benefits.
Green tea has been used for thousands of years and it’s not only relaxing and refreshing but packed full of health benefits. People also take green tea extract as a supplement due to the higher potency without needing to make the tea, but both ways can still give you some advantages.
Green tea’s key ingredient is something called EGCG or epigallocatechin-3-gallate which helps the body absorb sugar and glucose which means better insulin levels, and it helps with heart health also. Green tea is packed full of antioxidants and has even been shown to be better than both vitamin C and E in this sense.
Green coffee extract is just as the name implies, coming from green coffee beans. This means the beans have yet to be roasted and are in their most natural state. When they’re green, their key substance is something called chlorogenic acid which is lost when we roast them.
Chlorogenic acid is what makes green coffee bean extract such a powerful weight loss tool and when you combine this with caffeine, it has loads of benefits. Other benefits in addition to weight loss include sugar and insulin control and also help with cholesterol.
Benefits of Green Tea
When we look at the benefits of green tea, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, people who regularly drink cups of green tea as part of their daily lives will know the taste is relaxing and rejuvenating. They are also getting trace amounts of powerful antioxidants as well as the other health benefits.
However, to get the full effect of what this plant can offer, taking an extract is the best way to get all of the good stuff.
- Can help improve your immune system and keep you protected from developing common illnesses like the cold.
- Has been shown to physically protect brain tissues and keep your brain healthy.
- When taken as a weight loss supplement, green tea extract was shown to give people a boost in energy and increased the number of calories burned when compared to not taking it, as well as increasing fat oxidization.
- Used as a long-term supplement and when coupled with exercise, the extract was shown to speed up moderate weight loss.
- Green tea extract has large amounts of antioxidants and can control free radicals in the body.
- When taken regularly, the extract can keep your blood cholesterol levels healthy and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.
- The extract has been shown to have fluid stabilizing properties.
- Green tea can help your cells regenerate faster and more effectively than when you’re not taking it.
Benefits of Green Coffee Extract
Although newer on the scene when compared to green tea, green coffee extract is definitely experiencing a moment. This natural ingredient is hugely popular in weight loss supplements and has a few key benefits that make it a great choice.
- Green coffee extract may have some effect on the way that our bodies absorb carbohydrates. This makes it particularly useful for those with blood sugar issues or insulin resistance, like diabetics.
- It’s believed that the extract can also help with heart health. The ingredient does so by helping the blood vessels and improving their efficiency.
- Higher doses of green coffee extract can lower blood pressure and this has been proven in both animal and human studies.
- The chlorogenic acid in green coffee extract is a high amount which is a powerful antioxidant and can help with overall health.
- For weight loss purposes, green coffee extract can help to limit the absorption of carbohydrates which can lead to weight gain but also help to curb your appetite so you eat less.
What to Be Mindful Of
For those taking green tea extract and green coffee bean extract for weight loss purposes, you need to be mindful of some things. Firstly, never take over the recommended dosage in an attempt to speed up weight loss. This will only lead to adverse side effects like headaches, upset stomach, jitteriness, insomnia, and anxiety.
Secondly, taking an extract is better than drinking your coffee or tea with mixers like sugar and milk. Studies have shown that when ingesting these ingredients with milk and sugar, they lose their effectiveness, so having a supplement is the most potent way to get the benefits.
Finally, some studies have shown that both green tea extract and green coffee bean extract are more potent in individuals who don’t already drink coffee or caffeinated drinks as their resistance is minimized. To get the best results, you may even consider giving up your morning coffee, depending on how much you drink.
Where Can You Get Them?
Green tea has been consumed for thousands of years and is a popular way for people to get their caffeine fix without being too strong. It’s easy to find green tea being sold at the supermarket but for more potent doses, health supplement stores and providers usually have some form of extract.
To get the health benefits of green tea by drinking it, you’ll need to consume around 8-10 cups of the tea a day to get the same effects as a supplement. However, if you enjoy the taste it’s quite easy to incorporate it into your diet. Otherwise, there are other things like green tea powder, ice cream, biscuits, and other foods that feature the extract, as long as you are getting a natural source.
Green coffee bean extract is a little harder to find and not usually available at the supermarket. The best way to find it is through a supplement or health food store, but you’ll need to make sure you have a natural source and one that is potent enough to meet the recommended daily intake.
There are plenty of supplements that feature both green tea extract and green coffee bean extract, but they’re not just weight loss products. Those that require concentration and focus, like a nootropic, might use these for their caffeine content as they can aid with stimulation and alertness without leaving a jittery feeling. The reassuring news is that both ingredients have good safety profiles which means they come with minimal side effects so it shouldn’t be an issue.
Natural Is Always Best
There are so many great natural products out there today that can do all of the things we used to rely on prescription medication for. Green tea extract and green coffee bean extract are just two of them that are showing huge potential in terms of benefits, with minimal side effects that we normally experience.
Whether you’re looking for something to aid in weight loss or perhaps level out your blood sugar, both of these green options are ideal choices. Green tea has been enjoyed for thousands of years due to its taste, but knowing that it has health benefits makes it even more attractive. As for green coffee extract, the research is still relatively new in all of the ways it can help us.
Before you decide to take any new supplement, whether natural or not, you should consider your current situation. If you’re on any other medication, have an existing condition, or are just unsure about what a safe dosage is, speak to a health professional to find out the safest way you can enjoy these natural extracts.